Menstruation is a subject that makes everyone uncomfortable. The second you start talking about it everyone’s eyebrows just raise higher than the International Space Station. Voices suddenly become hush-hush, pads are wrapped tightly in black plastic bags and we’re left suffering in silence. No amount of hot-water bags can stop that feeling of small bombs going off in your uterus. It’s a monthly mini terrorist attack wrecking your system. Fortunately, we’re here to let you in on an open secret.
There is a way you can fight back. All you have to do is alter your diet schedule to include these 5 kinds of food. You might like some and be disgusted by others but be assured they will manage your cramps and give you the energy to do something more than transform into a ‘bed-ritto’.
Just to be clear though—these foods will not alleviate your menstrual cramps and other menstrual symptoms. They will simply make them manageable. Which, if you ask us, is 1000 times better than the alternative.
Also Read : ‘Cup of Life’: Kerala MP to Distribute One Lakh Menstrual Cups for Free

Bananas, Pineapples and Kiwi
This fruit trio is a triple threat against menstrual cramps. Bananas contain vitamin B6 and are rich in potassium which helps control bloating and causes your cramps to simmer down. Pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme that fights off inflammation. And lastly, the kiwi on the cake (get it, get it?) is packed with the enzyme actinidin which helps you digest protein quicker. Hence, breathing some energy back into your body.
All three of them are superfoods in their own right but together they throw one hell of a punch. Don’t be lazy. Make a smoothie.

Cruciferous vegetables
There are two kinds of people in the world—the first kind are the people who love vegetables and the second are the ones that run as far away from them as humanly possible. Whichever category you belong to, the fact is vegetables like spinach, kale, cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage should be your go-to when period cramps are making you feel like a nearly-dead blob of jelly. Yes, even though you’re craving French fries and a box of cupcakes.
Cruciferous vegetables are rich in calcium and magnesium. Both these nutrients help decrease muscle cramps. Magnesium relaxes blood vessels and helps to regulate serotonin which is a neurotransmitter that influences your mood, sleep, feeling of nausea, digestion and a lot more bodily functions. That’s not all though. Vegetables like spinach and broccoli (all those greens) are also packed to the brim with iron. A nutrient you need because of all the blood loss.
Your taste buds might hate you but your body will thank you.

Chamomile Tea
Want something warm and comforting? Your BFF coffee is of no use during these trying days of the month. The caffeine might give you a temporary boost as it’s supposed to, but it’s a Band-Aid on a bullet wound. What you need is a cup of steaming hot Chamomile Tea. It’s caffeine free, delicious and rich in 36 flavonoids that use their anti-inflammatory properties
to soothe your muscle spasms. It works like magic! Okay, not magic considering it’s medicinal but you get the sentiment, right?

Salmon and other cold-water fish are loaded with Omega-3 goodness. This helps to reduce inflammation which in turn reduces muscle spasms making your periods instantly more manageable. Salmon is also rich in protein and vitamin D and B6. Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium while B6 helps with the irritability and the breast tenderness you feel during your period. It’s a one-stop-shop that helps you put the hot-water bag down, get off the couch and get on with your life. It’s everything you can ask for.

Dark Chocolate
If you’re someone that prefers dark chocolate over milk or white, good for you. For everyone else, don’t let the bitter taste fool you. There is a solid reason that dark chocolate is one of the top 5 superfoods. It contains magnesium, iron, and fibre. These nutrients not only diminish the pain and make it bearable but also elevate your mood. And as a bonus, dark chocolate will curb all those sugar cravings.
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